Members and Research


EuroWeb Book Corner – Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography

For the fifth edition of the EuroWeb "Book Corner", we are happy to invite Susanna Harris, Cecilie Brøns & Marta Żuchowska to present their edited volume "Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography" (Oxbow, 2022).

A3Tex Workshop “Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles” – Programme now available!

The full scientific programme of the A3Tex Workshop “Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles” is now available. Register now to join this event on Zoom!

The EuroWeb Ancient Fashion Week in Media

During a week, Muro Leccese (IT) became the capital of Ancient Fashion in a double feature EuroWeb event locally organized by WG4 Leader Francesco Meo.
EuroWeb Logo

Now open – Call for Virtual Mobility Grants 2022

The Call for Virtual Mobility Grants for EuroWeb's second year are now open. Prospective grantees can apply through the e-COST platform until the 31st of May.
EuroWeb Logo

Workshop “Building the Euroweb online platform for textiles and clothing terminologies”

Working Group 3 is happy to invite all EuroWeb members for a workshop on "Building the Euroweb online platform for textiles and clothing terminologies", to take place online on the 9th of May.

EuroWeb Book Corner – “Crafting Minoanisation” (Joanne Elizabeth Cutler), presented by Eva Andersson Strand

For the fourth edition of the EuroWeb "Book Corner", we are happy to have Eva Andersson Strand with us, presenting Joanne Elizabeth Cutler's book "Crafting Minoanisation" (Oxbow, 2021).