Funerary Textiles In Situ – An Interdisciplinary Online Workshop
The first workshop of EuroWeb’s Working Group 2, dedicated to Funerary Textiles in Situ, took place online on the 15th of April 2021. The event was the outcome of a collaboration between the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (PCMA), University of Warsaw (project Unravelling Nubian Funerery Practices, PI Elsa Yvanez, PPN/ULM/2020/1/00246) and the EuroWeb project (Cost Action 19131).
The organisers, Elsa Yvanez and Magdalena Wozniak, were based in the premises of the PCMA in Warsaw, while all invited speakers participated online. Thanks to the financial support of EuroWeb, the event was transmitted live via the EuroWeb YouTube channel; over a hundred participants followed the event on this platform, and it reached 890 accumulated views.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together physical anthropologists, archaeologists, and textile conservators to share both experiences and methodology to establish a protocol for best practices in the excavation, conservation, and analysis of funerary textiles, from in situ findings all the way to advanced testing in laboratories. The workshop presentations were grouped into two sessions: “Textiles and the dead. Case studies from Europe and the Nile Valley” and “Retrieving the dead and its wrappings: diversity of approaches”. 14 members of EuroWeb (from WG1 and WG2) participated in the workshop.
Magdalena Wozniak
The first workshop of EuroWeb’s Working Group 2, dedicated to Funerary Textiles in Situ, took place online on the 15th of April 2021. The event was the outcome of a collaboration between the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (PCMA), University of Warsaw (project Unravelling Nubian Funerery Practices, PI Elsa Yvanez, PPN/ULM/2020/1/00246) and the EuroWeb project (Cost Action 19131).
The organisers, Elsa Yvanez and Magdalena Wozniak, were based in the premises of the PCMA in Warsaw, while all invited speakers participated online. Thanks to the financial support of EuroWeb, the event was transmitted live via the EuroWeb YouTube channel; over a hundred participants followed the event on this platform, and it reached 890 accumulated views.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together physical anthropologists, archaeologists, and textile conservators to share both experiences and methodology to establish a protocol for best practices in the excavation, conservation, and analysis of funerary textiles, from in situ findings all the way to advanced testing in laboratories. The workshop presentations were grouped into two sessions: “Textiles and the dead. Case studies from Europe and the Nile Valley” and “Retrieving the dead and its wrappings: diversity of approaches”. 14 members of EuroWeb (from WG1 and WG2) participated in the workshop.
Magdalena Wozniak