

Cover of Ieva Pigozne's Book

First “EuroWeb Book Corner” with Ieva Pigozne

Action member Ieva Pigozne (LV) presented her brand-new book “Colours and their meanings in 3rd – 13th century Baltic Dress” in this very first instalment of the “EuroWeb Book Corner”
Logo of the Training School

Training School on Textile and Clothing Terminologies

The first EuroWeb Training School, organized by our Working Group 3 – Textile and Clothing Terminologies, introduced PhD students and ECI’s to research on textile terminologies.
Funerary Textiles Workshop Banner

Funerary Textiles In Situ – An Interdisciplinary Online Workshop

As part of an ongoing research project on Nubian funerary textiles, this interdisciplinary workshop reflected on best practices for the in situ recording and description of funerary textiles through a series of case studies.
Textiles and Seals Workshop

Textiles and Seals Workshop

As part of the “Textiles and Seals” project, led by EuroWeb leader Agata Ulanowska, this workshop explored the relations between textile activities and sealing practices in the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean.