Upcoming EuroWeb Mentorship Programme – Call for Prospective Mentors


If you are

An experienced researcher in the academic field

and you would like to be a mentor for a young scholar in Textile Heritage

please apply for a Virtual Mobility Grant

by July, the 23rd 2024


Up to ten grants (up to 1450 euros) can be awarded for mentor positions.

Mentor’s tasks within the Virtual Mobility Grant:

● Building and transfer of knowledge through collaboration
● Generating capacity building and new skills
● Possible impact on career development
● Developing science communication and project writing skills
● Feedback on mentee’s research aims and methods
● First online meeting in the 30st of July 2024
● Virtual meetings (at least two) with a mentee in August


● Eligibility: All Action’s participant(s) with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full Member country and has/have to be affiliated to at least one of the working groups
● The application shall be submitted in e-COST (https://e-services.cost.eu/user/login) and included among other things the following information:

○ Working plan: topics and activities offered by the mentor
○ Plan for participation: mentor’s professional skills, expectations for mentee
○ Expected outputs: how the grant supports young researcher’s career

The template for the grant application is available here.

● Please read also the call for mentees:


Contact for assistance: Riina Rammo (riina.rammo@ut.ee)

Full call is available here.