Upcoming EuroWeb Mentorship Programme – Call for Prospective Mentees

If you are a PhD-student, post-doctoral researcher or applying for a post-doctoral grant and you would like to discuss with a more experienced colleague about, for example…

● designing your future career (in academia or other fields)
● developing science communication and project writing skills
● getting professional feedback on your research (plans/questions/methods)
● getting inspiration and new perspectives for your research
● coping with stress in academia

… this call is for you!

EuroWeb is planning a mentorship program for young and early career researchers in Textile Heritage that will start at the end of July with a training school and continue with personal meetings with a mentor.

Please indicate your interest in being a mentee by 8 July by sending an e-mail to riina.rammo@ut.ee

Please add your name, research topic(s), affiliation (if possible), and position, as well as a short description of your needs (problems to discuss, information gaps).

Organizing committee:
Agata Ulanowska, Francisco B. Gomes, Riina Rammo & Marie-Louise Nosch