Training School «The European World of Knitting, Knitwear, and Wool» – Call for Participants
6-8 May 2024 — University of Iceland, Reykjavik (Iceland)
Event proposed by Working Group 3, Textile Terminologies
Organizing committee, Working Groups 1-4: Meghan Korten (University of Iceland, local organizer), Louise Quillien (CNRS, France), Christina Margariti (Hellenic Ministry of Culture), Magdalena Wozniak (University of Warsaw), and Francesco Meo (University of Salento).
Knitting with wool and other fibres has a long tradition, expressed in diverse forms across Europe. The simplicity of the tools used in knitting have made it a more accessible textile craft across social strata and a useful practice for people on the move. Despite the minimal requirement of tools, one can use a range of equipment, techniques, and colours and types of yarn to produce different types of clothing and accessories. People in the past have knitted garments to clothe themselves and to communicate messages of personal expression and community identity.
This three-day training school on knitting techniques, fibre, and terminology aims to gather a diverse group of participants to get a sense of shared heritage and experiences of textiles as it relates to knitting and wool. The objective of the course is to familiarize the participants with the diversity of language and regional differences in knitting practices over time in Europe, with the goal of sharing knowledge and expertise in order to bridge theoretical and methodological approaches.
This event aims to address the following topics:
- Is there a universal knitting language? Comparisons of regional, national, and international knitting terminology
- Historical development of knitting: regional and cross-regional styles, influence, technology transfer, and living cultural heritage
- Knitting and identity: colour work, motifs, iconography, toponyms, and terminology linked to personal and regional identities
- Impact of fibre choices on knitting and other textile crafts
- Knitting, knit wear, and codified knowledge: individuals, institutions, companies, databases
- Knitting Today: knitwear designers, independent yarn dyers, natural dyeing, pattern design
- Other topics relating to historical, museum display, archival, and living history examples of knitting and knitwear.
This training school will offer a combination of lectures, participant presentations, and hands-on practice:
- specific regional knitting practices and language
- wool fibre identification
- sharing history and heritage of knitting techniques and technologies
- developing a shared knitting terminology
- theoretical training on knitting: terminology, techniques, fibres, tools
- practical training in knitting techniques
Eligibility: Trainees eligible to be reimbursed:
- Member of Euroweb with an e-COST account,
- Trainees shall be engaged in an official research programme such as a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organization, or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research.
- Trainees from COST Full Members/ COST Cooperating Members
- Action MC Observer from NNC
- Trainees from Approved European RTD Organisations
Costs: If possible, travel costs and daily allowances (including accommodation, meals, etc.) will be covered. Expenses will be covered first and foremost for PhD students, ECI (Early Career Investigators), and researchers from ITC (Inclusiveness Target Countries).
Application: Following the rules of COST training schools, interested trainees are kindly asked to apply, before the 31st of January 2024, sending a short motivation letter and a CV to mak77@hi.is and louise.quillien@gmail.com.
We can offer a maximum of 8 positions — the selection of the candidates will be processed by the Core Group. We especially encourage the application of ECI and PhD students. Participation costs will be refunded by COST to each eligible applicant — please check that you are a member of Euroweb registered on the e-COST platform only members can be reimbursed.
Full Call for Papers available HERE.
6-8 May 2024 — University of Iceland, Reykjavik (Iceland)
Event proposed by Working Group 3, Textile Terminologies
Organizing committee, Working Groups 1-4: Meghan Korten (University of Iceland, local organizer), Louise Quillien (CNRS, France), Christina Margariti (Hellenic Ministry of Culture), Magdalena Wozniak (University of Warsaw), and Francesco Meo (University of Salento).
Knitting with wool and other fibres has a long tradition, expressed in diverse forms across Europe. The simplicity of the tools used in knitting have made it a more accessible textile craft across social strata and a useful practice for people on the move. Despite the minimal requirement of tools, one can use a range of equipment, techniques, and colours and types of yarn to produce different types of clothing and accessories. People in the past have knitted garments to clothe themselves and to communicate messages of personal expression and community identity.
This three-day training school on knitting techniques, fibre, and terminology aims to gather a diverse group of participants to get a sense of shared heritage and experiences of textiles as it relates to knitting and wool. The objective of the course is to familiarize the participants with the diversity of language and regional differences in knitting practices over time in Europe, with the goal of sharing knowledge and expertise in order to bridge theoretical and methodological approaches.
This event aims to address the following topics:
- Is there a universal knitting language? Comparisons of regional, national, and international knitting terminology
- Historical development of knitting: regional and cross-regional styles, influence, technology transfer, and living cultural heritage
- Knitting and identity: colour work, motifs, iconography, toponyms, and terminology linked to personal and regional identities
- Impact of fibre choices on knitting and other textile crafts
- Knitting, knit wear, and codified knowledge: individuals, institutions, companies, databases
- Knitting Today: knitwear designers, independent yarn dyers, natural dyeing, pattern design
- Other topics relating to historical, museum display, archival, and living history examples of knitting and knitwear.
This training school will offer a combination of lectures, participant presentations, and hands-on practice:
- specific regional knitting practices and language
- wool fibre identification
- sharing history and heritage of knitting techniques and technologies
- developing a shared knitting terminology
- theoretical training on knitting: terminology, techniques, fibres, tools
- practical training in knitting techniques
Eligibility: Trainees eligible to be reimbursed:
- Member of Euroweb with an e-COST account,
- Trainees shall be engaged in an official research programme such as a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organization, or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research.
- Trainees from COST Full Members/ COST Cooperating Members
- Action MC Observer from NNC
- Trainees from Approved European RTD Organisations
Costs: If possible, travel costs and daily allowances (including accommodation, meals, etc.) will be covered. Expenses will be covered first and foremost for PhD students, ECI (Early Career Investigators), and researchers from ITC (Inclusiveness Target Countries).
Application: Following the rules of COST training schools, interested trainees are kindly asked to apply, before the 31st of January 2024, sending a short motivation letter and a CV to mak77@hi.is and louise.quillien@gmail.com.
We can offer a maximum of 8 positions — the selection of the candidates will be processed by the Core Group. We especially encourage the application of ECI and PhD students. Participation costs will be refunded by COST to each eligible applicant — please check that you are a member of Euroweb registered on the e-COST platform only members can be reimbursed.
Full Call for Papers available HERE.