Members and Research


Workshop “Traditional Textiles from Central and Eastern Europe” – Call for Papers [DEADLINE EXTENDED – 1st of September]

EuroWeb is happy to announce the Call for Papers for a new workshop on the "Traditional Textiles from Central and Eastern Europe", to be held in Romania in September.

Online Workshop “From byssus to sea silk. Historical and terminological aspects, archaeological finds and production process of the golden fibre”

EuroWeb is happy to announce the online workshop 'From byssus to sea silk', organized by Felicitas Maeder and Francesco Meo, to be held on the 12th of September.
Word cloud in the shape of Europe

Online survey on national textile networks in EuroWeb countries and the future of international networks beyond EuroWeb

EuroWeb members and other textile researchers and practitioners are invited to take part in a survey to characterize research networks in the textile field and map out its future.
EuroWeb Logo

Call for Short Term Scientific Missions

Until the 10th of August applications are open for Short Term Scientific Missions.

Textile Heritage in European Audiovisual Archives: A Survey

EuroWeb members are invited to contribute to and disseminate a survey of European Audiovisual Archives containing (or potentially containing) archival material related to traditional textile techniques and textile heritage.

Call for Papers for the NESAT XV Conference, 22nd to 24th May 2024, University of Warsaw Poland

It is our great pleasure to announce the Call for Papers for the NESAT XV Conference which will be held the University of Warsaw, Poland, from 22nd to 24th May 2024