Members and Research



Workshop – The EuroWeb Digital Atlas of European Textile Heritage: Recent development and future outcomes – Programme now available!

Registration is now open for the Workshop "The EuroWeb Digital Atlas of European Textile Heritage: Recent development and future outcomes", hosted by the Centre for Textile Research (DK) between the 9th and the 10th of May.

Call for Papers – Interwoven Societies, International EuroWeb Conference in Lübeck, DE – DEADLINE EXTENDED

The Call for Papers is now open for the 'Interwoven Societies' Conference, a EuroWeb initiative hosted by the European Hansemuseum Lübeck (DE) to be held next November. Deadline extended until the 15th of May.

A3Tex Workshop “Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles” – Call for Short Presentations/ Posters

The "La Sapienza" University of Rome will host the A3Tex Workshop “Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles: analytical
methods, conservation, and dissemination in textile research”, in collaboration with EuroWeb.

The EuroWeb Ancient Fashion Week is coming!

In May, Muro Leccese (IT) will host EuroWeb's Ancient Fashion Week, a double feature combining a Training School and an International Conference. The full programme is now available!
EuroWeb Logo

Call for Papers: Special Number of ‘Heritage Science’

The Call for Papers is now open for a special number of the Journal 'Heritage Science' on 'Advanced Analytical Techniques for Heritage Textiles', edited by EuroWeb members Christina Margariti, Hana Lukesova and Francisco B. Gomes.

Call for Papers – What’s in a name? Toponyms and loan words as textile labels across time. An EuroWeb seminar.

The Call for Papers is now open for the EuroWeb Seminar "What’s in a name? Toponyms and loan words as textile labels across time", an initiative of EuroWeb's Working Group 3 - Textile Terminologies, to be held in Braga, PT.