International EuroWeb ‘Interwoven Societies’ in Lübeck – programme now available!
International EuroWeb Conference
Interwoven Societies
The impact of textile industries on societies across European history
08-10 March 2023
European Hansemuseum Lübeck, La Rochelle
(Streamed live on the Europäisches Hansemuseum Lübeck YouTube channel)
Organising Committee:
Angela Huang (Research Centre of Hanse and Baltic History (at the European Hansemuseum Lübeck))
Joana Sequeira (Lab2PT, University of Minho)
Wednesday (08.03.)
10:00-10:30 Registration & Coffee | Introduction (for speakers)
10:30-13:00 Session I
Angela Huang (Research Centre of Hanse and Baltic History, Germany):
Interwoven Societies: How Textiles Shape Economic and Social Developments – Insights from Hanse History
Steffi Grundmann (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany):
Spinning Housewives in the Roman Empire. A New Spin on Wool-Work and Domesticity in Modern Imaginations and Ancient Sources
Kapartziani, Chrysoula/ Koulocheris, Spyros (Harokopio University, Greece):
Back to the Future: “Cocooning” greek sericulture. The revival of a circular economy paradigm
13:00-14:00 Lunchbreak
14:00-15:30 Guided Tour through Special Exhibition „Good Stuff“ (for speakers)
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session II
Dörte Eriskat (Berlin Society for Indo-Asian Art, Germany):
How fustian connects us all and what is so “fustian” about it
Marco Tomaszewski (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany):
Interwoven Hinterland. Linen Industry and Society in Eastern Switzerland (St. Gallen/Appenzell, 15th to 17th centuries)
18:00 Option for Drinks & Dinner (for speakers)
Thursday (09.03.)
10:00-12:30 Session III
Joana Sequeira (Lab2PT, University of Minho, Portugal):
Consuming and supplying: Portugal in the international textile trade (13th-16th centuries)
Jorge Garrido (Universidad de Granada, Spain):
Transformations and change in textile production: the Nasrid kingdom of Granada and the Christian conquest (14th-16th centuries)
Ángel Rozas Español (Universidad Complutense, Spain):
Central Castilian draperies between 15th and 16th centuries. The transformation of a centralised manufacturing into a distributed manufacturing chain
12:30 – 14:00 Lunchbreak
14:00-15:30 Session IV
Orit Shamir (Israel Antiquities Authority, Israel):
Mulham Textiles (silk warp with hidden cotton wefts) – Their Innovation, Production, Consumption, Marketing and Trade [with Hadas Hirsch]
Georg Stark (Blaudruckerei Jever, Germany):
Designed in India, Excavated in Egypt and revived in Northern Europe: Continuity of human taste in printed textiles
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session V
Luís Gonçalves Ferreira (Lab2PT, University of Minho, Portugal):
Paid with textiles and garments: the wages of the workers of Portuguese Misericórdias (16th-18th centuries)
João Teles e Cunha (Universidade Católica, Portugal):
Breaking the Fabric: The Portuguese Trade of Indian Textiles in the Beginning of the 17th Century
18:30-22:00 Conference Dinner (for speakers)
Friday (10.03.)
10:00-12:30 Session V I
Serafine Christine Kratzke (Lübeck, Germany):
“Mute communication” – Textiles as mediators of abstract ideas. Examples from the Convent of the Black Friars in Late Mediaeval Lübeck
Mordovin, Maxim (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary):
Textile consumption and purchase power in two early modern Hungarian towns
Meghan Korten (University of Iceland):
Conspicuous consumption? The role of woollen cloth in the construction of status in medieval Iceland
12:30-12:45 Coffee Break
12:45-13:30 Final Discussion
13:30-15:00 Final Lunch (optional, for speakers) I Goodbye
15:00-16:00 Meeting about conference publication (Raum “York”) (for speakers)
Programme – International EuroWeb Conference ‘Interwoven Societies’
POSTER – International EuroWeb Conference ‘Interwoven Societies’
International EuroWeb Conference
Interwoven Societies
The impact of textile industries on societies across European history
08-10 March 2023
European Hansemuseum Lübeck, La Rochelle
(Streamed live on the Europäisches Hansemuseum Lübeck YouTube channel)
Organising Committee:
Angela Huang (Research Centre of Hanse and Baltic History (at the European Hansemuseum Lübeck))
Joana Sequeira (Lab2PT, University of Minho)
Wednesday (08.03.)
10:00-10:30 Registration & Coffee | Introduction (for speakers)
10:30-13:00 Session I
Angela Huang (Research Centre of Hanse and Baltic History, Germany):
Interwoven Societies: How Textiles Shape Economic and Social Developments – Insights from Hanse History
Steffi Grundmann (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany):
Spinning Housewives in the Roman Empire. A New Spin on Wool-Work and Domesticity in Modern Imaginations and Ancient Sources
Kapartziani, Chrysoula/ Koulocheris, Spyros (Harokopio University, Greece):
Back to the Future: “Cocooning” greek sericulture. The revival of a circular economy paradigm
13:00-14:00 Lunchbreak
14:00-15:30 Guided Tour through Special Exhibition „Good Stuff“ (for speakers)
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session II
Dörte Eriskat (Berlin Society for Indo-Asian Art, Germany):
How fustian connects us all and what is so “fustian” about it
Marco Tomaszewski (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany):
Interwoven Hinterland. Linen Industry and Society in Eastern Switzerland (St. Gallen/Appenzell, 15th to 17th centuries)
18:00 Option for Drinks & Dinner (for speakers)
Thursday (09.03.)
10:00-12:30 Session III
Joana Sequeira (Lab2PT, University of Minho, Portugal):
Consuming and supplying: Portugal in the international textile trade (13th-16th centuries)
Jorge Garrido (Universidad de Granada, Spain):
Transformations and change in textile production: the Nasrid kingdom of Granada and the Christian conquest (14th-16th centuries)
Ángel Rozas Español (Universidad Complutense, Spain):
Central Castilian draperies between 15th and 16th centuries. The transformation of a centralised manufacturing into a distributed manufacturing chain
12:30 – 14:00 Lunchbreak
14:00-15:30 Session IV
Orit Shamir (Israel Antiquities Authority, Israel):
Mulham Textiles (silk warp with hidden cotton wefts) – Their Innovation, Production, Consumption, Marketing and Trade [with Hadas Hirsch]
Georg Stark (Blaudruckerei Jever, Germany):
Designed in India, Excavated in Egypt and revived in Northern Europe: Continuity of human taste in printed textiles
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session V
Luís Gonçalves Ferreira (Lab2PT, University of Minho, Portugal):
Paid with textiles and garments: the wages of the workers of Portuguese Misericórdias (16th-18th centuries)
João Teles e Cunha (Universidade Católica, Portugal):
Breaking the Fabric: The Portuguese Trade of Indian Textiles in the Beginning of the 17th Century
18:30-22:00 Conference Dinner (for speakers)
Friday (10.03.)
10:00-12:30 Session V I
Serafine Christine Kratzke (Lübeck, Germany):
“Mute communication” – Textiles as mediators of abstract ideas. Examples from the Convent of the Black Friars in Late Mediaeval Lübeck
Mordovin, Maxim (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary):
Textile consumption and purchase power in two early modern Hungarian towns
Meghan Korten (University of Iceland):
Conspicuous consumption? The role of woollen cloth in the construction of status in medieval Iceland
12:30-12:45 Coffee Break
12:45-13:30 Final Discussion
13:30-15:00 Final Lunch (optional, for speakers) I Goodbye
15:00-16:00 Meeting about conference publication (Raum “York”) (for speakers)
Programme – International EuroWeb Conference ‘Interwoven Societies’
POSTER – International EuroWeb Conference ‘Interwoven Societies’