Call for Short Term Scientific Mission 2024 is now open
Short Term Scientific Missions
Call for Applications
One grant up to EUR 3000 can be awarded within the 4th Grant Period.
Activities must be performed and the report submitted by September, the 15th 2024.
The deadline for sending an application is March, the 11th 2024. The application must be submitted via e-cost platform (https://e-services.cost.eu/activity/grants).
STSMs consist of visiting a host institution in a different country than the applicant’s to implement a project with an international team and gaining new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques unavailable in the home institution. Grant provides a contribution for travelling, accommodation and subsistence expenses, project implementation, and report delivery to the COST Action.
Applicant is an Action participant with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full
Member country and has to be affiliated to at least one of the Working Groups.
The activities should support:
• Building and transfer of knowledge through collaboration
• Mentoring that can generate capacity building and new skills
• Harmonization and standardization of methods and procedures
• Compiling research benefitting the action’s aims and objectives
• Collaboration across disciplines and different sectors, with possible impact on career development
• Open-access joint publications and new projects as outcomes
The application shall be submitted in e-COST (https://e-services.cost.eu/user/login) and include the following information:
• Main goals of the STSM
• Working Plan: Description of the work to be carried out
• Expected outputs: results and their contribution to the Action’s objectives
• Confirmation of the host institution’s availability to receive the applicant
• STSM’s contribution to the overall objectives of the Action.
• Clearly expressed and realistic benefits to the Action and its deliverables
• In the case of equivalent applications, the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy will be implemented
Information and assistance: Riina Rammo (riina.rammo@ut.ee)
The full call for applications can be found here.
Short Term Scientific Missions
Call for Applications
One grant up to EUR 3000 can be awarded within the 4th Grant Period.
Activities must be performed and the report submitted by September, the 15th 2024.
The deadline for sending an application is March, the 11th 2024. The application must be submitted via e-cost platform (https://e-services.cost.eu/activity/grants).
STSMs consist of visiting a host institution in a different country than the applicant’s to implement a project with an international team and gaining new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques unavailable in the home institution. Grant provides a contribution for travelling, accommodation and subsistence expenses, project implementation, and report delivery to the COST Action.
Applicant is an Action participant with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full
Member country and has to be affiliated to at least one of the Working Groups.
The activities should support:
• Building and transfer of knowledge through collaboration
• Mentoring that can generate capacity building and new skills
• Harmonization and standardization of methods and procedures
• Compiling research benefitting the action’s aims and objectives
• Collaboration across disciplines and different sectors, with possible impact on career development
• Open-access joint publications and new projects as outcomes
The application shall be submitted in e-COST (https://e-services.cost.eu/user/login) and include the following information:
• Main goals of the STSM
• Working Plan: Description of the work to be carried out
• Expected outputs: results and their contribution to the Action’s objectives
• Confirmation of the host institution’s availability to receive the applicant
• STSM’s contribution to the overall objectives of the Action.
• Clearly expressed and realistic benefits to the Action and its deliverables
• In the case of equivalent applications, the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy will be implemented
Information and assistance: Riina Rammo (riina.rammo@ut.ee)
The full call for applications can be found here.