Call for Papers – Textile Sessions at the 30th Annual Meeting of the EAA (Rome, 28-31 August)

The Call for Papers is currently open for the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, to be held at the La Sapienza University in Rome between the 28th and the 31st of August 2024.

This year’s edition of the annual EAA meetings has received a record interest, which is reflected in the large number of sessions available for participants. EuroWeb members are well represented among session organizers, and a roster of textile-related sessions shows the increased importance of Textile Archaeology and related topics among European archaeological research.

This increasing visibility of textiles as a research topic at this major venue for European Archaeologiy is also a result of the efforts of platforms like EuroWeb and the recently created Community for Textile Archaeology and Conservation (COMTEX) of the EAA.

The following sessions should be of interest for EuroWeb members, and for other researchers working on textile-related topics:

Session #330 – Textile Records: Past, Present and Future of Textile-Related Artefacts Recording in the Mediterranean and beyond (orgs.: Alina Iancu & Kalliope Sarri)

Session #408 – Crafting Iron Age Societies: Can Creativity, Technology, or Typology Highlight Human Past Transformations? (orgs.: Joëlle Rolland, Veronica Cicolani & Caterina Canovaro)

Session #579 – Digital Approaches in Textile Archaeology from the Field to the Museum (orgs.: Margarita Gleba, Elsa Yvanez, Islam Shaheen & Hana Lukesova)

Session #699 – Tracing Ovicaprine Lives: Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Sheep and Goat Husbandry (orgs.: Laura Viñas Caron, Jonas Jæger, Kevin Daly & Louise Le Meillour)

Session #717 – Interwoven. Textile Exchanges Across the Mediterranean from Prehistory to Us (orgs.: Nina Ferrante, Leyre Morgado-Roncal, Giulia Muti, Patricia Rosell Garrido)

Session #733 – Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Archaeology of Roman Textiles – A Story Told Through Threads (orgs.: Francesca Coletti, Maureen Carroll & Kerstin Droß-Krüpe)

Session #802 – From Prehistory to Post-medieval Times: Persistence and Change in Artisanal Production across the Mediterranean (orgs.: Silvia Berrica, Leyre Morgado-Roncal & Francesco Carrera)

Session #819 – Network of European Identities – The Iron Age between Alps, Pannonia and Balkans (orgs.: Hrvoje Potrebica & Karina Grömer)

For further details on this event, and how to submit your proposals for these and other sessions of interest, please visite the event website at or the paper submissing platform at