Call for Papers – EuroWeb Conference «’Sailing Textiles’ from Prehistory to Early History» (Gothenburg, SE)
Working Group 4 Conference
Gothenburg 29-30 April 2024
The conference aims to bring together researchers working with the production and use of sails, maritime textiles, rigging and ropes from a different array of archaeological, historical, and textual evidence. The meeting is designed to provide room for discussion and to contribute to
formulating new strategies and approaches for the study of ‘maritime textiles’. We welcome papers which will present data about:
– Evidence of sails, ‘maritime’ textiles, riggings, and caulking materials
– Archaeological evidence for sail and rigging/rope production and use
– Textual evidence for sails, ‘maritime’ textile, and rigging/rope production
Despite the numerous research publications in various forums over the past decades, there is still no comprehensive work available on the subject. The conference has the ambitious aim to discuss current understanding of textiles and textile-related material culture in seafaring from prehistory to early history. An additional goal is to contribute to shedding new light on the political economy and the modes of production for maritime textiles across Europe in a long durée perspective. Finally, it also aims to pave the way for future research on the theme.
We wish that participants will present their work, but at the same time consider discussing how the presented evidence could possibly contribute to a better understanding of sails, rigging, and ‘maritime’ textiles in other periods and contexts as well, where such evidence might be lacking or poor.
We welcome both shorter (15 min.) or longer (25 min.) presentations. Please send your proposals to serena.sabatini@archaeology.gu.se. The proposal should include:
– Title
– Name and e-mail of author/s
– short abstract (max. 250 words)
– Length of the presentation 15 or 25 min.
Deadline for abstract submission
15th of January 2024
Conference language
Faculty of Humanities, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The event will take place in Room J330 at Renströmsgatan 6, 41255 Göteborg.
Contact information
Full call for papers here.

Working Group 4 Conference
Gothenburg 29-30 April 2024
The conference aims to bring together researchers working with the production and use of sails, maritime textiles, rigging and ropes from a different array of archaeological, historical, and textual evidence. The meeting is designed to provide room for discussion and to contribute to
formulating new strategies and approaches for the study of ‘maritime textiles’. We welcome papers which will present data about:
– Evidence of sails, ‘maritime’ textiles, riggings, and caulking materials
– Archaeological evidence for sail and rigging/rope production and use
– Textual evidence for sails, ‘maritime’ textile, and rigging/rope production
Despite the numerous research publications in various forums over the past decades, there is still no comprehensive work available on the subject. The conference has the ambitious aim to discuss current understanding of textiles and textile-related material culture in seafaring from prehistory to early history. An additional goal is to contribute to shedding new light on the political economy and the modes of production for maritime textiles across Europe in a long durée perspective. Finally, it also aims to pave the way for future research on the theme.
We wish that participants will present their work, but at the same time consider discussing how the presented evidence could possibly contribute to a better understanding of sails, rigging, and ‘maritime’ textiles in other periods and contexts as well, where such evidence might be lacking or poor.
We welcome both shorter (15 min.) or longer (25 min.) presentations. Please send your proposals to serena.sabatini@archaeology.gu.se. The proposal should include:
– Title
– Name and e-mail of author/s
– short abstract (max. 250 words)
– Length of the presentation 15 or 25 min.
Deadline for abstract submission
15th of January 2024
Conference language
Faculty of Humanities, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The event will take place in Room J330 at Renströmsgatan 6, 41255 Göteborg.
Contact information
Full call for papers here.