A3Tex Workshop “Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles” – Call for Short Presentations/ Posters
Call for short presentations/posters
A3Tex Workshop “Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles: analytical methods, conservation, and dissemination in textile research”
Department of Scienze dell’Antichità – Sapienza University of Rome
9th-10th June 2022
During the last years, the Department of Scienze dell’Antichità at the Sapienza University has carried out two main projects on Textile Archaeology: “Textile Culture at Pompeii” (from 2015) and “A3Tex. Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles. Continuity and Transformations of textile technologies in the Ancient and PostAntique Mediterranean” (Sapienza Awards 2018) directed by prof. M. Galli. The research activities have been fueled by the fruitful transdisciplinary cooperation with the Sapienza Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Biology, and SARAS, last but not least with many other national and international Research Institutions, like ISPCCNR (Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale) and INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), making Sapienza A3Tex-Project a cutting-edge laboratory in textile research.
The A3Tex WORKSHOP aims to present not only the ongoing projects carried out by Sapienza in textile studies but also to bring together scholars and researchers who are deeply involved in investigating archaeological textiles and to provide a space for discussion on the methodological approaches and future perspectives on textile manufacturing in Antiquity, as well as on diagnostic, first-aid conservation of textile and related materials.
The meeting will be held in a hybrid form, offering the opportunity to take part in person and to connect virtually with other meeting attendees.
With the aim of sharing the results of ongoing research, methodological approaches, and important case studies capable of underlining the interdisciplinarity and the innovation in textile research, the workshop will take place in two consecutive days and will cover the following topics, by invited speakers:
1. Value and potential of the study of textiles in the archaeological field;
2. Excavation, recovery, and documentation of archaeological textile finds;
3. Microscopy techniques applied to the study of textile surfaces and fibers;
4. Archaeometric and diagnostic methods/techniques for the analysis of organic fabrics, fibers, and dyes;
5. Investigation of the state of conservation of archaeological fabrics;
6. Analysis of golden fabrics and threads.
The organizers of the workshop are pleased to invite students, researchers, and scholars to offer Short Presentations/Posters (5-8 mins). The deadline for the abstract submission is 15th May.
IMPORTANT: as we intended to publish soon the contributions in a thematic volume all the texts must be delivered within the deadline scheduled for September 2022. All papers will be peer-reviewed individually to guarantee the needed scientific quality.
Interdisciplinarity is highly recommended, archaeologists specializing in different chronological periods, conservators, and material science specialists are invited to present data of their research.
We invite you to submit your abstract for short-presentation or poster by email to marco.galli@uniroma1.it; francesca.coletti@uniroma1.it
Call for papers ends on 15th May 2022
The organizers,
Francesca Coletti, Marco Galli, Sapienza University of Rome
in partnership with
Dr Christina Margariti, Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2022 at Sapienza (Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports) and Euroweb: Europe Through Textiles: Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities.
Call for short presentations/posters
A3Tex Workshop “Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles: analytical methods, conservation, and dissemination in textile research”
Department of Scienze dell’Antichità – Sapienza University of Rome
9th-10th June 2022
During the last years, the Department of Scienze dell’Antichità at the Sapienza University has carried out two main projects on Textile Archaeology: “Textile Culture at Pompeii” (from 2015) and “A3Tex. Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textiles. Continuity and Transformations of textile technologies in the Ancient and PostAntique Mediterranean” (Sapienza Awards 2018) directed by prof. M. Galli. The research activities have been fueled by the fruitful transdisciplinary cooperation with the Sapienza Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Biology, and SARAS, last but not least with many other national and international Research Institutions, like ISPCCNR (Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale) and INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), making Sapienza A3Tex-Project a cutting-edge laboratory in textile research.
The A3Tex WORKSHOP aims to present not only the ongoing projects carried out by Sapienza in textile studies but also to bring together scholars and researchers who are deeply involved in investigating archaeological textiles and to provide a space for discussion on the methodological approaches and future perspectives on textile manufacturing in Antiquity, as well as on diagnostic, first-aid conservation of textile and related materials.
The meeting will be held in a hybrid form, offering the opportunity to take part in person and to connect virtually with other meeting attendees.
With the aim of sharing the results of ongoing research, methodological approaches, and important case studies capable of underlining the interdisciplinarity and the innovation in textile research, the workshop will take place in two consecutive days and will cover the following topics, by invited speakers:
1. Value and potential of the study of textiles in the archaeological field;
2. Excavation, recovery, and documentation of archaeological textile finds;
3. Microscopy techniques applied to the study of textile surfaces and fibers;
4. Archaeometric and diagnostic methods/techniques for the analysis of organic fabrics, fibers, and dyes;
5. Investigation of the state of conservation of archaeological fabrics;
6. Analysis of golden fabrics and threads.
The organizers of the workshop are pleased to invite students, researchers, and scholars to offer Short Presentations/Posters (5-8 mins). The deadline for the abstract submission is 15th May.
IMPORTANT: as we intended to publish soon the contributions in a thematic volume all the texts must be delivered within the deadline scheduled for September 2022. All papers will be peer-reviewed individually to guarantee the needed scientific quality.
Interdisciplinarity is highly recommended, archaeologists specializing in different chronological periods, conservators, and material science specialists are invited to present data of their research.
We invite you to submit your abstract for short-presentation or poster by email to marco.galli@uniroma1.it; francesca.coletti@uniroma1.it
Call for papers ends on 15th May 2022
The organizers,
Francesca Coletti, Marco Galli, Sapienza University of Rome
in partnership with
Dr Christina Margariti, Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2022 at Sapienza (Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports) and Euroweb: Europe Through Textiles: Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities.