Training School on Textile and Clothing Terminologies [PAST]
This training school, organized by Working Group 3 colleagues Susanne Lervad, Louise Quillien and Joana Sequeira, took place on the 4th and the 5th of May 2021 and provided a combination of introductory courses on the main issues and methods used in the study of textile and clothing terminologies and sessions where PhD students were asked to present their ongoing work and received feedback from the trainers.
The introductory courses were ministered by Susanne Lervad, who focused on “Verbal and nonverbal representation in textile terminology”, and Louise Quillien, who gave a conference on “How to study ancient textile and clothing terminologies: questions and methodology”.
PhD Students/ ECI’s presentations included talks by Dimitra Andrianou (GR) on “Furniture textiles in the ancient Greek world”, by Elodie Bauer (CH/FR), who spoke about “Crossbands in classical Attica: terminology issues and methods”, by Corinne Mühlemann (DK), who focused on “Loom terminology in ḥisba-manuals? What Islamic legal sources can reveal about the making of objects in the premodern marketplace”, and by Eva Montesinos-Ferrandis (ES), who shared her work on “Black silks dyeing materials and methods, degradation and treatment: specific problems, specific terminology”.
With this Training School, EuroWeb’s Working Group 3 aimed to provide general training on Terminology-related research and to exchange information, ideas, and knowledge, especially among members of the Working Group. The event was, however, open to all members of EuroWeb, and proved a success, having been joined by 41 participants from various countries and disciplinary backgrounds.