Dissemination Conference Grants
What is a Dissemination Conference Grant?
Dissemination Conference Grants are awarded to EuroWeb participants for presenting the Action, its activities, and results in the form of an oral presentation at an high-profile Conference. The presentation should cover a topic relevant to the Action and/or contribute to the development of new contacts and potential future collaborations.
How to apply for a Dissemination Conference Grant?
Apliccations for Dissemination Conference Grants should be submitted through the e-COST platform. The required application elements include the title of the presentation, the Conference title, date and venue, the requested budget and an indication of the attendance type (in person or digital).
Further documents requested as part of the application process include a filled out form describing the alignment of the presentation with EuroWeb’s Science Communication Plan and an indication of the expected impact of the presentation. Other documents to be attached to the application include a copy of the abstract of the accepted oral presentation and an acceptance or invitation letter from the Conference organisers.
All applications will be evaluated by the Grant Awarding Coordinator (Dr. Riina Rammo – riina.rammo@ut.ee) and the Grand Awarding Committee. For more information on the application process, please consult the Grant Awarding User Guide available here.
The current call for the grants will open on the 11th of February 2023.
Key upcoming conferences:
Reporting on Dissemination Conference Grants
In order for the Grant payment to be completed, successful Dissemination Conference Grant applicants will be required to submit a report highlighting the outcome of the presentation, the contacts made during the Conference and the potential for future collaboration(s) (report template available here).
Together with the report, grantees will also be asked to submit the certificate of attendance to the Conference, the programme of the Conference or the Book of Abstracts/ Proceedings with a clear indication of the oral presentation by the grantee, and a copy of the given presentation.
Dissemination Conference Grants

Report on the Dissemination Conference Grant awarded to Dimitra Andrianou (GR)