
All Working Group 4


Workshop “Traditional Textiles from Central and Eastern Europe” – Programme and Abstracts

From the 25th to the 27th of September the Muzeul Textilelor and the ASTRA Museum (RO) will host the international workshop “Traditional Textiles from Central and Eastern Europe”.

Training School on hands-on approach to textile tools: documentation, functionality and use-wear. Textile tools from Bronze Age Malia, Crete as a case study

Training School: Hands-on approach to textile tools: documentation, functionality and use-wear. Textile tools from Bronze Age Malia, Crete as a case study, Malia, Crete 3-7 July 2023

International Conference Textiles and War in Europe and the Mediterranean from Prehistory to Late Antiquity

The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, Bucharest, will host this International Conference sponsored by EuroWeb's Working Group 4 which will take place between 17-19 May 2023.

International Conference “Textile Production, Consumption and Trade in Iron Age Europe”

Between the 19th and the 20th of May, Muro Leccese (IT) will host an international conference on "Textile Production, Consumption and Trade in Iron Age Europe" organised by EuroWeb's Working Group 4. Programme now available!

EuroWeb Digital Conference “From the Household to the Factory”

Working Group 4 hosts an interdisciplinary online conference focusing on the comparison of the scales, contexts and modes of organization of textile production across time, from Prehistory to the Pre-Industrial Period.
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Pre-modern Textile Markets: Integrating Existing Data

International Conference (Date to be Announced)