Action Structure
Action Management
EuroWeb is managed by a Management Committee formed by national representatives of the 32 participating countries: Albania [AL], Austria [AT}, Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA]; Croatia [HR], Czech Republic [CZ], Denmark [DK], Estonia [EE], Finland [FI], France [FR], Germany [DE], , Greece [EL], Hungary [HU], Iceland [IS], Ireland [IE], Israel [IL], Italy [IT], Latvia [LV], Lithuania [LT], Malta [MT], Netherlands [NL], North Macedonia [MK], Norway [NO], Poland [PL], Portugal [PT], Romania [RO], Serbia [RS], Slovakia [SK], Spain [ES], Sweden [SE], Switzerland [CH], Turkey [TR], United Kingdom [UK].
Action’s scientific and networking activities are coordinated and organized by Management Committee Meeting and by the Core Group, led by the Action Chair, Agata Ulanowska (University of Warsaw, PL), and Vice-Chair, Karina Grömer (Natural History Museum Vienna, AT). The University of Warsaw also serves as the Grant Holder for the Action.
EuroWeb is organized in four thematic Working Groups (WGs), represented in the Core Group by their respective leaders, together with two Working Groups dealing with networking tools. Other key areas represented in the Action management structure include the editorial board for the EuroWeb Anthologies, the Digital Atlas team leadership and Scientific Communication and Dissemination.
Core Group
Action Chair
Agata Ulanowska

Main Proposer
and Mentor
Marie Louise Nosch

Action Vice-Chair
Karina Grömer

WG1 Leader
Christina Margariti

WG2 Leader
Magdalena Woźniak

WG3 Leader
Louise Quillien

WG4 Leader
Francesco Meo

Grant Awarding Coordinator
Riina Rammo

Vice-Grant Awarding Coordinator
Cécile Michel

Science Communication Coordinator
Francisco B. Gomes

Networking Manager
Hana Lukesova

Digital Atlas
Alina Iancu

Digital Atlas
Catarina Costeira

Euro-Web Anthology
Board Leader
Kerstin Droß-Krüpe

Gender Balance
and Inclusiveness Manager
Hana Lukesova

Gender Balance
and Inclusiveness Manager
Francisco B. Gomes

Senior Mentor
Mary Harlow

Senior Mentor
Susanne Lervad

Management Committee Members
Managment Committee Members
AL | Erilda SELAJ | Studio House Kadare | erildaselaj@gmail.com |
AL | Etleva DEMOLLARI | National Historical Museum (Tirana) | Etleva.Demollari@muzeugjethi.gov.al |
AT | Elisabeth TRINKL | Institute of Classics | elisabeth.trinkl@uni-graz.at |
AT | Karina GRÖMER | Natural History Museum – Vienna | karina.groemer@nhm-wien.ac.at |
BA | Irfan HOSIC | University of Bihac | irfan.hosic@bih.net.ba |
BA | Lejla ODOBASIC NOVO | International Burch University | lejla_odobasic@hotmail.com |
CH | Elodie BAUER | University of Fribourg | elodie.bauer@hotmail.com |
CH | Birgitt BORKOPP-RESTLE | University of Bern | birgitt.borkopp@ikg.unibe.ch |
CZ | Adnan MAZARI | Technical University of Liberec | adnanmazari86@gmail.com |
CZ | Helena BREZINOVA | Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Science | brezinova@arup.cas.cz |
DK | Ulla MANNERING | National Museum of Denmark | ulla.mannering@natmus.dk |
DK | Marie Louise Bech NOSCH | University of Copenhaguen | nosch@hum.ku.dk |
EE | Riina RAMMO | University of Tartu | riina.rammo@ut.ee |
EE | Kerttu PALGINÕMM | Art Museum of Estonia Foundation | kerttu.palginomm@ekm.ee |
FI | Krista VAJANTO | University of Helsinki | krista.vajanto@aalto.fi |
FI | Sanna LIPKIN | University of Oulu | sanna.lipkin@oulu.fi |
FR | Louise QUILLIEN | CNRS | louise.quillien@gmail.com |
FR | Cécile MICHEL | CNRS | cecile.michel@cnrs.fr |
DE | Angela HUANG | European Hansemuseum | alhuang@fgho.eu |
DE | Kerstin DROSS-KRÜPE | Universität Kassel | Kerstin.dross-kruepe@uni-kassel.de |
ES | Dolores SERRANO NIZA | University of La Laguna | dserrano@ull.edu.es |
ES | Esther ALBA PAGAN | University of Valencia | esther.alba@uv.es |
GR | Eleni PAPASTAVROU | Archaeological Service | epapastavrou@yahoo.gr |
GR | Tina BOLOTI | Academy of Athens | tinaboloti@yahoo.gr |
HU | Eszter MATYAS | Hungarian National Museum | eszter.matyas.1986@gmail.com |
HU | Rebeka NAGY | Museum of Applied Arts | nagy.rebeka@imm.hu |
IE | Nuala HUNT | School of Education, National College of Art and Design | huntn@staff.ncad.ie |
IL | Tamar NIX | Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | tamar.nix@campus.technion.ac.il |
IL | Aaron SPRECHER | Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | asprecher@technion.ac.il |
IS | Meghan KORTEN | University of Iceland | mak77@hi.is |
IT | Francesco MEO | University of Salento | francesco.meo@unisalento.it |
LT | Eglė KUMPIKAITĖ | Kaunas University of Technology | egle.kumpikaite@ktu.lt |
LT | Virginija RIMKUTĖ | Club for Craft Reconstruction “The Court Artisans” | v.rimkute@gmail.com |
LV | Ieva PIGOZNE | University of Latvia | ieva.pigozne@lu.lv |
MK | Liljana KOVACHOVSKA | Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia | bajtl@hotmail.com |
MK | Nade GENEVSKA BRACIC | NI Institute and Museum Bitola | nadegb@gmail.com |
MT | Claire BONAVIA | Heritage Malta | claire.bonavia@gov.mt |
NL | Geert KESSELS | LAB1100 | geert@lab1100.com |
NL | Pim VAN BREE | LAB1100 | pim@lab1100.com |
NO | Ingun Grimstad KLEPP | OsloMet – Storbyuniversitetet | ingunk@oslomet.no |
NO | Hana LUKESOVA | The University Museum of Bergen | hana.lukesova@uib.no |
PL | Małgorzata GRUPA | Nicolaus Copernicus University | m.grupa@wp.pl |
PT | Catarina COSTEIRA | University of Lisbon | catarinacosteira@gmail.com |
PT | Paula NABAIS | NOVA University of Lisbon | p.nabais@campus.fct.unl.pt |
RO | Florica MATAU | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi | floricel1980@yahoo.com |
RO | Irina PETROVICIU | National Museum of Romanian History | petroviciu@yahoo.com |
RS | Jasmina CIRIC | Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac | jasmina.ciric@filum.kg.ac.rs |
SE | Serena SABATINI | University of Gothenburg | serena.sabatini@archaeology.gu.se |
SK | Tereza ŠTOLCOVÁ | Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences | tereza.stolcova@gmail.com |
TR | Deniz SARI | Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Universitesi | deniz.sari@bilecik.edu.tr |
TR | Recep KARADAG | Istanbul Aydin University | recepkaradag@aydin.edu.tr |
UK | Susanna HARRIS | University of Glasgow | susanna.harris@glasgow.ac.uk |
UK | Sandy BLACK | University of the Arts London | s.black@fashion.arts.ac.uk |
Former Management Committee Substitute Delegates (2020-2021)
CH | Corinne MÜHLEMANN | University of Bern | corinne.mue@gmail.com |
CH | Véronique DASEN | University of Fribourg | veronique.dasen@unifr.ch |
CZ | Milena BRAVERMANOVA | Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Science | Milena.Bravermanova@seznam.cz |
DE | Petra LINSCHEID | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | linschei@uni-bonn.de |
DE | Michael ROTHMANN | Leibniz Universität Hannover | michael.rothmann@hist.uni-hannover.de |
DK | Anne Louise BANG | VIA University College | anlb@via.dk |
DK | Eva ANDERSSON STRAND | University of Copenhaguen | evaandersson@hum.ku.dk |
DK | Susanne LERVAD | University of Copenhaguen | npf698@hum.ku.dk |
ES | Cristina PORTALÉS RICART | University of Valencia | criporri@gmail.com |
ES | Jorge SEBASTIÁN LOZANO | University of Valencia | jorge.sebastian@uv.es |
ES | Lola PONS | University of Seville | lolapons@us.es |
FI | Tiina KUOKKANEN | University of Oulu | tiina.kuokkanen@oulu.fi |
FI | Tuija KIRKINEN | University of Helsinki | tuija.kirkinen@helsinki.fi |
FI | Jenni SUOMELA | University of Helsinki | jenni.suomela@helsinki.fi |
FR | Anne-Caroline RENDU LOISEL | University of Strasbourg | renduloisel@unistra.fr |
FR | Philippe ABRAHAMI | University of Lille | philippe.abrahami@univ-lille.fr |
GR | Christina MARGARITI | Directorate of Conservation, Hellenic Ministry of Culture | chmargariti@culture.gr |
GR | Dimitra ANDRIANOU | National Hellenic Research Foundation | dandr@eie.gr |
GR | Kalliope SARRI | University of Copenhagen | kalliope.sarri@gmail.com |
GR | Stella SPANTIDAKI | Hellenic Centre for Research and Conservation of Archaeological Textiles (ARTEX) | sspantidaki@yahoo.com |
GR | Chrysoula KAPARTZIANI | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | xkapartziani@yahoo.gr |
HU | Anikó MOÓR | Hungarian Museum of Applied Arts | moor.aniko@imm.hu |
HU | Csilla KOLLÁR | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | kollar.csilla@hnm.hu |
HU | Réka SEMSEY | Museum of Applied Arts | semsey.reka@gmail.com |
LT | Daiva MILAŠIENĖ | Kaunas University of Technology | daiva.milasiene@ktu.lt |
LT | Rimas SUPRANAVIČIUS | Vilnius University Library | rimas.supranavicius@mb.vu.lt |
PL | Magdalena WOZNIAK | University of Warsaw | m.m.wozniak@uw.edu.pl |
PL | Zofia KACZMAREK | Institute of European Culture | zfkaczmarek@gmail.com |
PL | Joanna SŁOMSKA-BOLONEK | Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences | asia2499npm@gmail.com |
PT | Francisco B. GOMES | University of Lisbon | franciscojbgomes@gmail.com |
PT | Maria João MELO | NOVA University of Lisbon | mjm@fct.unl.pt |
RS | Branislav CVETKOVIĆ | Regional Museum, Jagodina – Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts | bracvet@gmail.com |
RS | Sanja PAJIC | University of Kragujevac | sanja.pajic@filum.kg.ac.rs |
TR | Handan ÜSTÜNDAĞ | Anadolu Üniversitesi Edebiyat | hustunda@anadolu.edu.tr |
UK | Jane MALCOLM-DAVIES | University of Copenhagen | jane@jmdandco.com |
Near Neighbor Countries
TN | Amine Haj TAIEB | Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Sfax | amineht@yahoo.fr |