Short Term Scientific Missions
EuroWeb provides some funds for Short Term Scientific Missions – institutional visits – in order to foster collaboration between individuals. The scientific mission has to support the Action in achieving its scientific objectives and the applicant should be actively involved in one of the Action Working Groups, the Atlas or the EuroWeb Anthology.
Applicants are researchers or innovators affiliated to a research institution or organisation (Home Institution) who are actively participating in EuroWeb’s Working Groups, the Digital Atlas or the Anthology. The minimum duration of the mission is 5 days including travel, and it has to be carried out entirely within a single Grant Period. It is a fixed financial contribution taking into consideration the budget request of the applicant and the outcome of the evaluation of the STSM application. Grants do not necessarily cover all expenses, it is only a contribution to the accommodation, subsistence and travel.
Host Institution is the institution or organisation in another COST Member country, Action MC Observer from International Partner Countries or Near Neighbour Countries that will host the successful applicant.
For further information on the conditions of eligibility for a STSM, please refer to the COST Annotated Rules (6.4. Eligibility to receive financial support).
STSM applications are submitted online (https://e-services.cost.eu/stsm). For further details on the application process and the necessary documents, please consult the COST Grant Awarding User Guide or consult the application form on the e-COST platform and the application template provided by COST.
The evaluation of the applications is done by the appointed Grant Awarding Coordinator (Dr. Riina Rammo – riina.rammo@ut.ee) and the supporting Grant Award Committee, who approve or reject the applications in e-COST, evaluate the scientific report after the mission, post-approve or reject it. The Action Chair decides (through the Coordinator) on the grant amount per day.
After the mission, the STSM Grantee has 30 days from the end date of the mission to submit a scientific report to the appointed Coordinator, approved previously by a senior researcher from the Host institution. A template for this final report is provided by COST. Payment of the Grant is subject to a STSM scientific report being approved.
The grant recipient is responsible for the archiving of the actual expenses. Documents should be kept up to 4 years after the Grant Period of completed STSM.
Please note that the Financial Department of the Grant Holder institution requires documents proving travel costs (tickets, boarding passes, route planner with the route and kilometres travelled in case of car travels).
Past Short Term Scientific Missions

Report on Liviu Iancu’s STSM to The Hellenic Centre for Research and Conservation of Archaeological Textiles (ARTEX) (GR)